trolls, regenerate 1 HP per round), Voghiln's Helmet (MR +5%, on-hit stun 15% vs. Illusion +3, Summon Extra-Planar creature, 3 charges), Battle Tankard (Immunity: Fatigue, Critical Hits), Bard Hat (Immunity: Silence & Deafness, 2 round lingering bard song), Tangled Strings (Dispels confusion effects, single target, 2/day), Helmet of Dumathoin (Physical damage resistance +3%, Constitution +2 dwarves, +1 others), Trollblood Ioun Stone (THAC0 +3 vs. Helm of Unwavering Purpose (AC +1, Immunity: Confusion), Peacock Cap (Cha+2 for Bards, Cha +1 for others), Spectacles of the Spectacle (Detect Illusion +25%, save vs. spells for half), Silver Circlet (+1 saves), Birthright Amulet (+1 spell slot per circle, Edwin only), Greenstone Amulet (5 charges, Immunity: Charm, Sleep, Hold, Confusion, Feeblemind, Panic, 1 turn), Locket of Embracing (Caster Level +1, +2 first circle divine spell slots), Circlet of Lost Souls (Caster level +1, perma-Bless for summoned spirits, Shaman only), Archer's Eyes (Critical Hit: ranged +5%, Dex +2, Dex +1 ), Kendra's Chain (Slashing resistance +5%), Necklace of Form Stability (Polymorph saves +2), Medal of Valor (THAC0 +2), Amulet of Whispers (perma-Vocalize, Silence 15' radius 1/day), Heart of the Mountain (AC +2, summoned spirits gain +10 HPs, Shaman only), Clasp of Helm (Necromancy saves +3, Wisdom +1 for Priest of Helm only, Detect Illusion 1/day), Amulet of Abnormally Awesome Ankheg Summoning (acid resistance +15%, summon ankheg x2 for two turns, 5 charges).
We like challenging combat and I've played with mods like SCS in the past, but I have no idea what's the best and most-modern mods and/or iterations of mods that one should use these days.Silver Holy Symbol of Selûne aka Lon's Amulet (Wis +1 for Shapeshifters, perma-Bless), Necklace of Missiles: The One Gift Lost (6d6 save vs. Here's my question: I'm a modding fanatic, and I'm wondering if there are any mods for both SoD and BG2EE that you would highly recommend for our campaigns. having a baby in Oct!) have prevented us from starting up again until now. Although SoD has been out for a while now, other time commitments (i.e. starting BG2EE) until SoD came out so that we could continue from there. Back when BGEE came out a buddy of mine and I played through it from start to finish, but decided to hold off on going any further (i.e. Hi Lilura! Just wanted to congratulate you on your epic work and efforts on behalf of the "old-school CRPG" community at large.

Part XI: Bloodbark Grove & Underground River (approach).Part X: Dead Man's Pass, Dragonspear Castle (courtyard).Part IX: Baldur's Gate Chapter 10, Siege of Dragonspear Coalition Camp.Part VIII: Siege of Dragonspear Bridgefort, Dorn, Neera & Khalid.Part VII: Forest of Wyrms, Siege of Dragonspear Temple of Bhaal.Part VI: Baldur's Gate Chapter 9, Siege of Dragonspear Boareskyr Bridge, Jaheira & Voghiln.

Part V: Coast Way Crossing, Coast Way Forest, M'Khiin, Baeloth & Rasaad.Part IV: Baldur's Gate Chapter 8, Siege of Dragonspear Dwarves of Dumathoin, Corwin, Glint & Edwin.Part III: Siege of Dragonspear Quests: Elfsong Tavern, Sorcerous Sundries, Iron Throne & Flaming Fist HQs, Departing the City, Safana & Viconia.Part II: Baldur's Gate Chapter 7, Ducal Palace, Companion Overview, Three Old Kegs, Minsc & Dynaheir.